This is Who I Am
genuine | honest | transparent | innocent | intuitive | intelligent | wise | empathetic | healer | counselor
Hi, I’m Athena Ray Rochowiak.
I absolutely love the holistic approach to everything, which is to promote wellness amongst someones entire life, not just specific parts in isolation.
I grew up extremely insecure of myself, felt very lost, was always hiding within myself, and had no real sense of who I was. I dabbled in drugs, alcohol, and numbing practices to keep myself from feeling….“keep yourself from feeling what?” you ask.
To keep myself from remembering the pains of my past.
I was constantly living in a state of fear, was confused about what the heck was going on within myself and life, and moved from relationship to relationship in hopes that the other person would bring me safety and pleasure because I DEFINITELY didn’t have that within myself.
No relationship ever fulfilled me, and I stayed in all of them way past their expiration date out of fear of really being on my own.
My soul began to ache for a different lifestyle once I ended a 3 year relationship that wasn’t feeling aligned anymore. Leaving that relationship took 5 months!! It was SO hard for me to stand up for myself, choose myself, and say yes to a new life. Ah, was that terrifying!
Since then, I followed my intuition faithfully and blindly. It lead me to yoga, clean eating, fitness, movement, dance, my husband, health, wellbeing, emotional intelligence, trauma healing, somatic experiencing, my new home, my new career, and more.
I am currently a Trauma Informed, Somatic Experiencing, Intuitive Life Coach , Holistic Nutrition + Wellness Practitioner, Certified Behavioral Change Specialist, Reiki Practitioner and Certified Yoga Teacher.
When I finally discovered the root to my inner distress (childhood sexual abuse I didn’t know happened until I turned 30), I realized WHY I was being a version of myself as an adult that I didn’t like. WHY I had coping habits and distractive tendencies I couldn’t say no to, and WHY I felt so out of control within myself…. It is from my exploration for the truth, that I’ve been able to recalibrate how I operate in the world, in a way that feels safe, joyful, and fun for me.
I know first hand how scary change can be, especially on your own. Sometimes the path you wish to walk, or are walking, is not one that those around you understand. Sister, I do. I’m here for you, to hold space for you, guide you, and support you through your active participation in your own growth. It takes effort, commitment, and support to really change your life. I am a resource for you to turn to when you need reassurance, inspiration, and education around what choices to make, and how to show up in times of difficulty. Together, we will sculpt and mold your life to one that suits YOU, until you find what clicks…and trust me, you will.
I know you’ll find what you’re looking for here.
Welcome, you absolutely belong here.